Sensex Today


Taking an important policy decision, the Indian govt. has announced a ban🚫 on 118 Chinese mobile apps.

Among them is the hugely popular👍 online game, PUBG Mobile, along with other games, online payment services, dating sites❤️ and software editing apps.

Notably, the govt. imposed a similar ban on 59 Chinese mobile apps in June🗓️.

That list included one of another wildly popular🤟 mobile app, TikTok, along with UC Browser and WeChat.

On what grounds?

As per the govt., the decision to ban the Chinese apps has been taken in the interest😇 of India’s sovereignty, integrity, and security.

It would safeguard the interests of India’s mobile and internet users👨🏻‍💻.

It is so because the Chinese internet giant, Bytedance which owns PUBG and other mobile services appears to have been stealing😱 and unauthorisingly😈 transmitting users’ data to servers located outside India.

Such data is then reportedly mined and profiled🧐 by rogue elements who are hostile to India.

Taking a Realistic view

The timing of both rounds of bans on Chinese apps is clearly noticeable😳 to all.

As in June, the latest ban has come almost immediately after incidents leading to heightened border tensions⚔️ between India and China.

On Tuesday, the Indian govt. accused🗣️ Chinese troops of taking “provocative action” on the banks of Ladakh’s Pangong Lake🌊.

About PUBG Mania

With more than 73 crore downloads🤳, PUBG Mobile ranks among the world’s top five smartphone games.

Out of them, ☝️over 17 crore have been from India.

The game’s popularity saw a huge surge↗️ during the Covid-19 lockdown.

PUBG’s global revenue💰 till date has been $3.2 billion.

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