Sensex Today


Since the world is presently battling the Covid-19 pandemic, the air pollution💨, a persistent health issue has gone off its radar, at least for now.

However, humanity should do that only at its own risk, as air pollution was ☝️the greatest risk to human health before Covid-19 and will remain so even after it.

This fact has been stressed upon in the latest Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) report📃.

AQLI is a pollution index that measures the impact of particulate air pollution on life expectancy👴.

Significantly, this AQLI report has disclosed some deeply worrying facts😯 regarding India which as per it, is the worst affected country in the world in this regard.

Nearly a quarter of India’s population👥 is exposed to pollution levels that are not seen in any other country.

As a consequence, average life of an Indian gets reduced⤵️ by over 5 years as per the healthy guidelines of WHO.

Depressing Figures

According to AQLI, 84% of Indians live in areas where the pollution levels exceed↗️ the country’s own air quality standards.

Notably, this figure rises to absolute 100%😱 if one goes by the safe standards set by the WHO.

The particulate pollution in India has increased by 42% in the last two decades🗓️.

The Region-wise Impact

As per the AQLI report, the residents of Delhi could live nine years more🙂 if pollution gets reduced to meet the WHO guideline.

This figure is 8 years each in the case of U.P and Haryana, while 7 for both Bihar and West Bengal.

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