Sensex Today


In a highly significant move, the govt. has come up with a new consumer law to monitor🧐 online advertising in the country.

This law which has come into force from today itself is a part of Consumer Protection Act 2019📃, and has been updated from a 1986 legislation.

What’s the purpose of it?

This new legislation aims to protect😇 consumers from misleading online ads.

It will make manufacturers, service providers and celebrity endorsers😎, accountable for advertisements.

In case of misleading claims, they will be slapped with heavy fines😣 and could even attract jail terms.

Change of Guard

From now on, a Central Consumer Protection Authority, headed by a govt. appointed chief commissioner, will be set-up to regulate consumer rights violations, unfair trading practices👿 and false advertisements.

So far this task was under the purview of the advertising industry’s self-regulatory body, The Advertising Standards Council of India.

No more free run for E-commerce platforms

The new law brings the digital platforms under its domain, apart from the traditional mediums such as TV, radio📻, print and outdoor advertising.

Significantly, in case of consumer complaints over substandard products😠, the e-commerce platforms would now no longer be able to get away with the argument that their responsibility ends🤷‍♂️ with the delivery of products.

They now also face an increased liability along with the manufacturers👍.

More power to the Consumers

The new law will add to the consumer comfort🙂 as it provides for ‘e-filing’ of complaints and a video conferencing option👨🏻‍💻 to participate in the necessary proceedings, required to address the complaints.

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